Neo: Knives, Ramona, Roxie, Wallace
Kitteh: Scott(Nega-Scott), Kim, Stephen
Well, I do like the idea that the relationship would already be strained after the end of the comic x: Scott has given a lot of chances. What with the deal that happened between Ramona and Roxi... then her just vanishing... he fought for her and has to think about what she might decide to do or spring on him next
she also kicked him outa the house o: it was why he got his own place to start with... srsly... girl needs to burn in a fire. She yo-yo'd him around ... you can't just do that to someone and have everything be hunky dorey
Exactly x: nothing is going to be picture perfect. Scott may try to believe that it's still a steady relationship, but that's because he's pretty naive at times and he likely wants to think that things are fine when really he's probably unsure just what to think of it all if he were to really sit and just take time to look at the relationship
also I have sexy thoughts o:
Tell me your sexy thoughts O:
o: well, in the comics, Nega Scott seems to be uhh well.. xD I'm not sure... his denial, I guess, of reality... well, whats Scott in denial most of all? xD being closeted. So, what if Nega Scott makes the first move.
Yeah, that's what I percieved it as. His complete denial of what's truth or what he doesn't want to be true o:
And you mean the first move on Wallace? Because if that's the case then it would be interesting since Wallace has no idea about Scott's other half which might make things confusing between the two boys XD
XD on Wallace, yes. Wallace might know, given Scott tells Walalce everything. Wallace seems to be his best friend, or at least shoulder to lean on guy.
And it isn't really cheating, because Nega Scott IS Scott.... Plus, cmon, sexy dark Scott is sexy in all its possibillities. They didn't use it too much in the comic. xD the movie use was more funny.
He just looked weird and odd in the movie cause they tried to use some kind of special effects that didn't suit it XD in the game he's just a black and white form and has control over zombies
But yes, it's possible Wallace knows... and if he does know just what Nega Scott means and the fact NS is trying to make out with him... well.. then Wallace would likely figure out what Scott is trying to hide x8 !
xDD... it is a little obvious, yes...
What a fun conversation that will be later XD
Mmm.. I like that idea XD NS being part of Scott's gay denial
Well yes XD but it doesn't mean I want normal Scott out of the picture completely.. that would be sad for NS to completely take his place
o: Wallace sammich. xD of course Scott wouldn't be outa the picture, NS is Scott. NS will prolly just go back in Scott when he's accepted his gayness o: just like in the comic
That's what I figure o: he has to stop denying it all... and what about the earlier thoughts we had about Mobile and Wallace?
o: dumping Wallace?
o: did you want to?
Well, I thought it was a good idea. We did say that Wallace would be distracted, plus he isn't all that used to such a stable relationship. usually he seems to be the dumpee... or at least more of a one-off type person. it doesn't really seem like he dumps anyway. Just sleeps around
Either way... I like the less predictible method of him being tossed aside. Not to be mean about it.. it's just a really good idea
o: Wallace shows up one day at Scott's front door soaking wet and pathetic from the rain and asks Scott if he can come in and just lay on Scott's floor forever and a day.
x: let Mobile have the house....
because he knows that Scott will let him crash for however long x: even if he did let their last place go for a guy
x: he felt it was time for them to move on and grow. Their place was a crap hole and he wanted to give Scott that push to go be independent and happy. But all of it exploded in their faces. So he's gunna be a wet carpet on Scott's floor nao
Well.. okay x: so, nao that we sort of have somewhat of a setting for how everyon's lives are. At least Scott and Wallace. We need to figure out some of the others. We know that Scott is in his own band with Kim now. Knives I believe wanted to try to be alone for a little while... but, I think if she felt that she was growing up better than we could try to get her and Kim together
She went to UBC.. xD That university is like.. an hour away from where I live via transit.. COME BACK KNIVES AND KIM... wait.. >> Kim came back didn't she? cuz she was randomly there with their new band of 2
Yeah, she came back I believe o: otherwise she wouldn't have easily been able to make Shatterband with Scott
Oh yeah! And Knives is still around.. she was watching them play with Neil o:
xD I guess she visits? or moved back. IM SO CONFUSED WITH THAT VOLUME
I assume Kim moved back. I just think she needed time away because of what happened when she got caught by the twins. As for Knives she can easily visit from a college.. though it would be a long drive if that's where it is compared to Toronto XD
XD ... BC is like.. four provinces away from Ontario. ITS FAR AWAY
But yet Knives magically appears XD HELLO CONTINUITY... but this is a comic where anything is possible. Random visits from far away can be one of those things
XD theres the subspace highway. INSTANT VISITING.
That's true too XD
XD Ramona isn't the only one who uses them. SHE DOESNT HAVE THOSE THINGS COPY RIGHTED... Roxie said she was the one who taught her how to use those... but Ramona said she learned it in school.. Ramona also said she went to school on a floating mountain. I DONT KNOW WHATS REAL ANYMOAR
Given this comic I believed the floating mountain thing XD but just because of how weird everything else was
But yeah, we can easily say most people in the comic that get from point A to point B quick end up learning how to use the subspace doors... Scott used them so much that it's possible he can end up showing people o:
o: I cold see him teaching friends. Or at least those closest to him. At least Knives. I'm sure he wants her to visit. And if Knives and Kim get together, I'm sure he'd want to give them a way to see each other whenever. xDD...they're gunna be running through his head sometimes..
And they aren't sorry in the least XD
Aww.... he can teach Wallace how to use it... just so he can have him run through his mind :3
Scott: MAN you must be tired cuz you've been running through my mind all day ;D
Wallace: 8| .... you're lucky your adorkable puns make me hot, guy.
XDDD Awww... he would totally try it and be was too happy it works
xDD wallace would fall for it... because the more dorky Scott is teh more cute he is the more he can't resist him
So, we're saying that Kim moved back to help with the band and Knives takes subspace to try and visit. Hmm.. any ideas on how they might get together? We both agreed that Kim is very likely a closet lesbian given how she treats her male friends half the time.. excluding Scott and how he deserved it XD
this is a good question o: I'm not entirely sure. xD but now teir entire group is gay. Stephen Stills, Scott, Kim, Knives... Wallace was gay from the start
I actually liked the fact that Stephen was suddenly gay.. because, at least from my perspective, it was a little out of the blue since i hadn't seen spoilers. And I like Stephen given how nice he had been to Knives and how generally cool he had been through the comic anyway XD so just random gay was icing on the cake
XD it was pretty random. I have no opinion on Stephen. I neither like nor dislike him. Tho the guy he's with kinda scares me with his pedo beard... and his words are always super tiny in his balloons.. which. I can't even fathom how he talks. Possibly in a quiet voice... which.. xDD complete with the pedo beared...
I could read them fine XD he's always pretty blunt towards people.. Pretty much the type of person that speaks his mind and lets a person know how he feels whether they want to know or not... which was why every time they recorded he would outright tell Scott or anyone else that he was just going to completely redo their parts to their face
XD they were smaller in the balloons on purpose. Take a look, its that way every time he talks.
Yeah XD I found it hilarious how he out right talked down to people. Not a friendly guy.
Oh, well maybe I just had it zoomed in really far. I tended to do that a lot on the pages XD
Aww, but I like the two of them :3 ITS A GAY COUPLE IN A COMIC... so rare... so I enjoy it o: plus, like I said, I like Stephen XD
xD I have no idea how we'll fit Roxie in and where... But I liked her, she was sexy and awesome.
Save point o: I'm sure we'll figure out something.. once we figure out the action bits we can use her... but the thing is we talked about Scott's little weaponry that Wallace can use and they would have to actully get together first
o: this is also true. Sadly theres no girls up for grabs for her.
Not really x: and she doesn't need a Ramona... Ramona was cruel to her
D: yep.. used her. Dumb Ramona
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Scott Pilgrim RP Brainstorimg
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Moar Scott pilgrim ideas based on pictures
Neck kisses - Wallace losing job. Scott comforting him. Paper route is mentioned somewhere.
Scott alone - Wallace takes Scott shopping as a sort of coming out of the closet kind of thing. Let's him pick out anything he wants within a budget. Scott picks out what he thinks a gay guy might wear. Ends up asking Wallace if he looks gay enough.
Bass playing - Need to have Scott actually singing a song. Use Neo's suggested phrase of 'Well of love'. Has to be full of cheese, WAFF and just terrible overall. Likely do that one last.
Umbrella picture - Wallace is there to pick Scott up after band practice. Still while the relationship is new because Scott will be shy about public affection.
Purple nuzzles - Wallace saying sweet nothings to his Scott.
Sad/Pining Scott - Scott upset that 'other' Scott is over and getting cuddles. Most of his internal thoughts include some denial because he isn't sure if he should even be pining over Wallace.
Surprise kisses - First kiss over Chinese food which Scott initiates and leaves Wallace stunned. Scott is a bumbling mess after.
Scott alone - Wallace takes Scott shopping as a sort of coming out of the closet kind of thing. Let's him pick out anything he wants within a budget. Scott picks out what he thinks a gay guy might wear. Ends up asking Wallace if he looks gay enough.
Bass playing - Need to have Scott actually singing a song. Use Neo's suggested phrase of 'Well of love'. Has to be full of cheese, WAFF and just terrible overall. Likely do that one last.
Umbrella picture - Wallace is there to pick Scott up after band practice. Still while the relationship is new because Scott will be shy about public affection.
Purple nuzzles - Wallace saying sweet nothings to his Scott.
Sad/Pining Scott - Scott upset that 'other' Scott is over and getting cuddles. Most of his internal thoughts include some denial because he isn't sure if he should even be pining over Wallace.
Surprise kisses - First kiss over Chinese food which Scott initiates and leaves Wallace stunned. Scott is a bumbling mess after.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Scott Pilgrim drabble ideas
Me: ... that's great for you, but I know shit all about it XD
Neo: XD its pretty much the same thing for the fourth of July but instead its Canadian
people wear white and red
theres fireworks
nearby a park by angels they set up a band there and theres people selling cheap junk and food xD
xD fun stuff like that.
xD then late at night they have the fireworks there
Canada Day xD it gives what it promises
Me: Would you want them to already be together or not in the fic? o:
Me: I like writing people already together XD mainly because I don't have to trudge through getting them there and there can be more time for fluff
Neo: xD uhhh... I think there's face painting... sparklers... yeah, whatever their town would have to celebrate. People running around in Canadian shirts and colours... hats...
xD waving little flags
those yummy mini donuts... xD hot dogs...
Me: ... that's great for you, but I know shit all about it XD
Neo: XD its pretty much the same thing for the fourth of July but instead its Canadian
people wear white and red
theres fireworks
nearby a park by angels they set up a band there and theres people selling cheap junk and food xD
xD fun stuff like that.
xD then late at night they have the fireworks there
Canada Day xD it gives what it promises
Me: Would you want them to already be together or not in the fic? o:
Me: I like writing people already together XD mainly because I don't have to trudge through getting them there and there can be more time for fluff
Neo: xD uhhh... I think there's face painting... sparklers... yeah, whatever their town would have to celebrate. People running around in Canadian shirts and colours... hats...
xD waving little flags
those yummy mini donuts... xD hot dogs...
Saturday, June 11, 2011
OC RP Brainstorm - Not Less Than Three
Me: You're more than welcome to come up with something o:
Neo: oh man XD I need inspiration
XD all thats coming to me is like.. the plot of Sucker plunch and an old MUDD I used to play called CrossRoads
Me: Well we can't STEAL ideas XD
Neo: XD well no, I'm not saying that. But in the world of XR, people were normal, there was differnet races and stuff, but went they to sleep they were usually completely different people with abilities and stuff in this dream world. I guess their true selves. xD Which is why Sucker Punch just remined me of that
Me: I'll have to watch it at some point XD but.. okay.. so the world within a world thing is not all that uncommon?
Neo: XD it depends how you do it, really
FF10... FF9....
Me: Well I liked how SP did it.... and that just makes it look like I'm saying South Park... I mean Sucker Punch XD
Well.. okay.. so are we talking abilities in the dream world? o:
Neo: o: yeah
xD this could end up being really epic... or really stupid
Me: I'm okay with that o: I'm just afraid it might feel like a total ripoff of like.. the movies or shit, but if other stuff has done it I don't feel as bad... and I wish chats had enter shift.... I don't think it could be stupid. We've done pretty epic stuff before
Neo: XD well like I said, its all about how we go about it
XDD and I doubt we'll be having someone dance them into a day dream
Me: Nuuu... I doubt that XD although... the dreams could be a nice way to maybe transition whoever ends up being mute into not being mute, but it's like the only time. That way it's like the rare instanses the writing takes a break from it. Which means, the dreams are the only time that certain character gets a chance to speak
Neo: XD I figured
Me: Dreams are awesome like that XD
Neo: XD now if we could figure something to make it less silly than having it as a 'dream world'... if... I'm makign sense anymore
Me: Like... instead of just saying dream world? XD
Neo: xD like... instead of nap time being LETS ME SUPER
Me: Ohh... you mean like it shouldn't just be a whole sleeping thing? XD I'm trying to get what you're saying
Neo: XD yeah, I think thats what i'm saying. Like, have a purpose to it as well
Me: Ah, okay XD gotcha... yeah, that would make sense. Not just wanting to go to sleep for it to happen. Like, they NEED to be in that world for some specific reason or they're kind of forced.. whatever the case may be
Neo: yeah xD exactly. Which.. is where plot comes in I guess
Me: Yep, pretty much o: first we kind of need to figure out if these people, I say people because obviously there's more than one, even live together. In the same building or near each other.... or do they just see one another in these dreams? Is that the only time they catch sight of each other
Neo: XD good question
Me: Hmm... well, my suggestion is that at least a couple of them live close enough to interact o: because we'll need that outside of the dreams
Me: You're more than welcome to come up with something o:
Neo: oh man XD I need inspiration
XD all thats coming to me is like.. the plot of Sucker plunch and an old MUDD I used to play called CrossRoads
Me: Well we can't STEAL ideas XD
Neo: XD well no, I'm not saying that. But in the world of XR, people were normal, there was differnet races and stuff, but went they to sleep they were usually completely different people with abilities and stuff in this dream world. I guess their true selves. xD Which is why Sucker Punch just remined me of that
Me: I'll have to watch it at some point XD but.. okay.. so the world within a world thing is not all that uncommon?
Neo: XD it depends how you do it, really
FF10... FF9....
Me: Well I liked how SP did it.... and that just makes it look like I'm saying South Park... I mean Sucker Punch XD
Well.. okay.. so are we talking abilities in the dream world? o:
Neo: o: yeah
xD this could end up being really epic... or really stupid
Me: I'm okay with that o: I'm just afraid it might feel like a total ripoff of like.. the movies or shit, but if other stuff has done it I don't feel as bad... and I wish chats had enter shift.... I don't think it could be stupid. We've done pretty epic stuff before
Neo: XD well like I said, its all about how we go about it
XDD and I doubt we'll be having someone dance them into a day dream
Me: Nuuu... I doubt that XD although... the dreams could be a nice way to maybe transition whoever ends up being mute into not being mute, but it's like the only time. That way it's like the rare instanses the writing takes a break from it. Which means, the dreams are the only time that certain character gets a chance to speak
Neo: XD I figured
Me: Dreams are awesome like that XD
Neo: XD now if we could figure something to make it less silly than having it as a 'dream world'... if... I'm makign sense anymore
Me: Like... instead of just saying dream world? XD
Neo: xD like... instead of nap time being LETS ME SUPER
Me: Ohh... you mean like it shouldn't just be a whole sleeping thing? XD I'm trying to get what you're saying
Neo: XD yeah, I think thats what i'm saying. Like, have a purpose to it as well
Me: Ah, okay XD gotcha... yeah, that would make sense. Not just wanting to go to sleep for it to happen. Like, they NEED to be in that world for some specific reason or they're kind of forced.. whatever the case may be
Neo: yeah xD exactly. Which.. is where plot comes in I guess
Me: Yep, pretty much o: first we kind of need to figure out if these people, I say people because obviously there's more than one, even live together. In the same building or near each other.... or do they just see one another in these dreams? Is that the only time they catch sight of each other
Neo: XD good question
Me: Hmm... well, my suggestion is that at least a couple of them live close enough to interact o: because we'll need that outside of the dreams
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Brainstorming and some saddness - Part Six *Spoilers*
Me: Okay, like i said... wouldn't putting an expirey date on his programming delete/erase him at that point in time? x:
Neo: o: well.. I guess. If Seliph dies.. then I don't think he'd wanna live forever alone.... Man... Seliph the old wrinkly man.. still married to a short young Mireru.. XD
Me: That is kind of depressing and weird at the same time XD that's why I suggested yesterday that maybe Mireru would try to find some way of making Seliph a spirit too or at least make him live forever... Paul seems to be able to do anything with all his potions and what not
Neo: but technically speaking Mireru isn't a spirit.. he's a chunk of programming... D: Seliph is flesh and blood... Unless somehow Seliph is digitised.. there's no way
Me: Yeah... it would be something they wouldn't be able to do, but they wouldn't exactly know that x: maybe Mireru would want to try and there's just no way? Because neither knows about the programming.
The fact they're kept in the dark about Mireru's REAL situation leads to a lot of tragic stuff x:
Neo: although... theres a lot of spiritual /mystical stuff as well, that kinda goes beyond this program.. the lines blur... XD if you ever bother to read some of the dialogue... its crazy.
Me: I can imagine XD the thing about the dragon and the girl you told me was enough
There's obviously some people that already know about what Gio is doing.. or has done... the dragons for example are one. Stella is likely another given her card reading, but it just takes her ability to see it. So, it's just people with that kind of psychic or magic type of ability to see what's REALLY going on
Neo: of course... now I'm going to make you think... XD aren't the people in Trickster technically digitised in a sense? They're given animal attributes, new clothes, powers, they evolve...
Me: Using the program? Yes.. all their powers are given to them by all of these digital enhancers. Which is seen in the game when we level up or get new skills.
Which begs the question as to if any of the Tricksters like Cheeky, or even the dragons for that matter, are as powerful as they really are... and with that thought... do Nava and Clever know this? o: They just choose to ignore it and let everyone and themselves live in a sort of blissful ignorance
Neo: wait... XD do they know what? That the world is fake? or..?
Me: Well, obviously they know the world is fake... I would assume that since they send Cheeky to Pochi and Pachi... what I mean is if they know that the powers and skills are fake. A lot of the snhancements were mostly the computers doing. So, if yo uthink about it.. take away the programming.. take away the powers
I just wonder if Nava and Clever know this and choose to ignore it since knowing would mean they aren't really as powerful as they truly seem to be
Neo: I assume the people go there have an innate ability and the game just helps bring that out. People go into what they're best and it fits. And so their abilities are inhanced...
I think the dragons' knowledge comes from more than omnicience, they've just been around long enough, seen and heard so much, that they're just plain knowledgeable.
Me: Ahh, see, I wasn't sure of that o: alright then
Neo: that said.. um... XD you learn alot about the inner workings of trickster when you go into the dev room... thats around.. hmm lvl 160 I think...
Me: 150 actually... these two should be able to do it soon. Usually I don't bother reading that stuff, but I'll try to the next time when Nava does it o:
Neo: o: wait for me, I wanna read too. But I'm thinking that dev room is a lot more locked up in the comic... XD They don't want tricksters snooping.. learning secrets... and uh.. I'm thinking Kitteh is locked up down there.
Me: Yessss XD that would make sense. Isn't it a haunted place too? Not quite as bad as Oops, but I mean.. there's that ghost boy lurking around in there
But, either way.. it does look like an experimental kind of place
Neo: XD ghost boy... yeah... he's from the Don family
Me: ... they sound so Mafia-esque XDD
Neo: XD that they do. The kid was sick... and he was friends with Rosaline when they were kids. They were each other's first love. Um, the kids sickness was so bad that he had to stay inside, and it really fucked him up so bad he had to wear bandages. It twisted his soul... and he haunts some area.. as a mummy... XD Its kind of a heart breaking tale
Me: Oh yeah! I remember reading that last bit about the bandages and such on Clone when I was doing it with her D: it really was pretty sad
Neo: XD so.. the spiritual and the program kinda intermingal.. Hopefully that helps Mireru and Seliph be less SOL
Me: At the point where Gio decides to fuck with the computer in the comic XD that would be nice
Neo: x: if the program crashed... Seliph would lose his Mireru..
Me: and try so hard to get him back... with no memories x:
Neo: ;.;... imagine if Seliph was an old man... and caballa crashed... and then he got Mireru back...with no memories... All that time lost... gone... And so little time to get reaquainted, he's an old man.. what could Mireru want with an old guy. Nothing.
Me: ;___; Seliph would be lost and forgotten *clings* his Mireru wouldn't want him all because he's old... that's too sad
x8 ... and now I have to eat... brb
Neo: x: there would be no point in rekindling anything... not even friendship.... Seliph would be all alone... left with whatever time he has left on earth
Me: Why so mean Mireru D: believe what the old Seliph has to say
Neo: x8 that they were married for XXXX amount of years
Me: Probably for a good long amount of years x:
Neo: x: if Seliph is an old man, yes... But if Seliph would even mention it...
Me: I think he would try to and hope that Mireru believes him x:
Neo: x: he might not get romance outa it.. but, hopefully friendship
Me: for his last few years x:
Neo: x: not how he wanted to spend his last few years... it would have been better in Mireru's arms.. 3
Me: being loved x:
Neo: x: until his last breath
Neo: o: well.. I guess. If Seliph dies.. then I don't think he'd wanna live forever alone.... Man... Seliph the old wrinkly man.. still married to a short young Mireru.. XD
Me: That is kind of depressing and weird at the same time XD that's why I suggested yesterday that maybe Mireru would try to find some way of making Seliph a spirit too or at least make him live forever... Paul seems to be able to do anything with all his potions and what not
Neo: but technically speaking Mireru isn't a spirit.. he's a chunk of programming... D: Seliph is flesh and blood... Unless somehow Seliph is digitised.. there's no way
Me: Yeah... it would be something they wouldn't be able to do, but they wouldn't exactly know that x: maybe Mireru would want to try and there's just no way? Because neither knows about the programming.
The fact they're kept in the dark about Mireru's REAL situation leads to a lot of tragic stuff x:
Neo: although... theres a lot of spiritual /mystical stuff as well, that kinda goes beyond this program.. the lines blur... XD if you ever bother to read some of the dialogue... its crazy.
Me: I can imagine XD the thing about the dragon and the girl you told me was enough
There's obviously some people that already know about what Gio is doing.. or has done... the dragons for example are one. Stella is likely another given her card reading, but it just takes her ability to see it. So, it's just people with that kind of psychic or magic type of ability to see what's REALLY going on
Neo: of course... now I'm going to make you think... XD aren't the people in Trickster technically digitised in a sense? They're given animal attributes, new clothes, powers, they evolve...
Me: Using the program? Yes.. all their powers are given to them by all of these digital enhancers. Which is seen in the game when we level up or get new skills.
Which begs the question as to if any of the Tricksters like Cheeky, or even the dragons for that matter, are as powerful as they really are... and with that thought... do Nava and Clever know this? o: They just choose to ignore it and let everyone and themselves live in a sort of blissful ignorance
Neo: wait... XD do they know what? That the world is fake? or..?
Me: Well, obviously they know the world is fake... I would assume that since they send Cheeky to Pochi and Pachi... what I mean is if they know that the powers and skills are fake. A lot of the snhancements were mostly the computers doing. So, if yo uthink about it.. take away the programming.. take away the powers
I just wonder if Nava and Clever know this and choose to ignore it since knowing would mean they aren't really as powerful as they truly seem to be
Neo: I assume the people go there have an innate ability and the game just helps bring that out. People go into what they're best and it fits. And so their abilities are inhanced...
I think the dragons' knowledge comes from more than omnicience, they've just been around long enough, seen and heard so much, that they're just plain knowledgeable.
Me: Ahh, see, I wasn't sure of that o: alright then
Neo: that said.. um... XD you learn alot about the inner workings of trickster when you go into the dev room... thats around.. hmm lvl 160 I think...
Me: 150 actually... these two should be able to do it soon. Usually I don't bother reading that stuff, but I'll try to the next time when Nava does it o:
Neo: o: wait for me, I wanna read too. But I'm thinking that dev room is a lot more locked up in the comic... XD They don't want tricksters snooping.. learning secrets... and uh.. I'm thinking Kitteh is locked up down there.
Me: Yessss XD that would make sense. Isn't it a haunted place too? Not quite as bad as Oops, but I mean.. there's that ghost boy lurking around in there
But, either way.. it does look like an experimental kind of place
Neo: XD ghost boy... yeah... he's from the Don family
Me: ... they sound so Mafia-esque XDD
Neo: XD that they do. The kid was sick... and he was friends with Rosaline when they were kids. They were each other's first love. Um, the kids sickness was so bad that he had to stay inside, and it really fucked him up so bad he had to wear bandages. It twisted his soul... and he haunts some area.. as a mummy... XD Its kind of a heart breaking tale
Me: Oh yeah! I remember reading that last bit about the bandages and such on Clone when I was doing it with her D: it really was pretty sad
Neo: XD so.. the spiritual and the program kinda intermingal.. Hopefully that helps Mireru and Seliph be less SOL
Me: At the point where Gio decides to fuck with the computer in the comic XD that would be nice
Neo: x: if the program crashed... Seliph would lose his Mireru..
Me: and try so hard to get him back... with no memories x:
Neo: ;.;... imagine if Seliph was an old man... and caballa crashed... and then he got Mireru back...with no memories... All that time lost... gone... And so little time to get reaquainted, he's an old man.. what could Mireru want with an old guy. Nothing.
Me: ;___; Seliph would be lost and forgotten *clings* his Mireru wouldn't want him all because he's old... that's too sad
x8 ... and now I have to eat... brb
Neo: x: there would be no point in rekindling anything... not even friendship.... Seliph would be all alone... left with whatever time he has left on earth
Me: Why so mean Mireru D: believe what the old Seliph has to say
Neo: x8 that they were married for XXXX amount of years
Me: Probably for a good long amount of years x:
Neo: x: if Seliph is an old man, yes... But if Seliph would even mention it...
Me: I think he would try to and hope that Mireru believes him x:
Neo: x: he might not get romance outa it.. but, hopefully friendship
Me: for his last few years x:
Neo: x: not how he wanted to spend his last few years... it would have been better in Mireru's arms.. 3
Me: being loved x:
Neo: x: until his last breath
Monday, May 23, 2011
Brainstorming - Part Five *Spoilers*
Neo: the dragons look cute with short hair in third form.. XD I wonder if it was always so short
Me: Well, it's kind of short in game.. so it makes sense to kind of give them shorter looking hair in the comic... it's like as they went from 1st to 3rd job their hair grew shorter and shorter XD cause even in 2nd it doesn't look as long as it used to while in that ponytail
Neo: XD well in the comic, the boys have really short hair
Me: Yeah, I was looking at it yesterday... I like their short hair in the comic... maybe being all powerful makes them want short hair XD <3
Neo: XDD mebe? I was just wondering about their previous jobs if it was as different. Since we'll be going into their past afterrr... they knock cheeky out XD
Me: Could be O: would be nice since their 1st job hairstyles aren't really all that interesting XD and that's where we'll be going from
Neo: XD its just long in first form
Me: Exactly.. like you said o: try to make it look a little different for them so they'll stand out from any other dragon that walks by
Neo: o: not entirely sure what'd they have
Me: Me either right off the bat o: but it's something to think about
Neo: o: something gay no doubt
Me: I keep thinking something in the hair... but since they have to wear hats and such then I'm not sure they could do that XD and Nava would likely only be the one wearing something in his hair
Neo: XD ONLY Nava?
Me: He's the really gay one XD that's why
Neo: XDD apparently he became the really gay one
Me: You call him the really gay one all the time XD
Neo: XD because he sparkles
Me: He's supposed to XD
But, they could both wear something in their hair then o:
Neo: o: sure, why not. I don't know what their opinions are about looking alike. Some twins like it, and some twins hate it. XD These two.. I think they like it.
Me: They like it a lot XD aside from the hair thing... I don't think they mind standing out there
Neo: well, in the comic they're black and white XD I figuuuure that has to do with their alignment. Which might have happened with their light and dark pact.
Me: Ohhh o: makes sense then... I also have to wonder if they were ever given hints as to if they would become powerful beings. Like.. during their 2nd and 3rd job changes. Sort of like... words of wisdom that other mages never were given. Perhaps there were things that Louie saw, or even the Jesters for that matter, that they didn't see in other mages
Neo: XD The dark jester's name is Janus.... I remember because... its Janus...
Its possible. Hell, I could see those boys going through a lot... not just because of the incest factor, but they're on polar opposites of alighment.
Me: Janus XDDD
Which is a tricky thing... good is usually suppose to fight the bad. Not really be one with it. It's likely that in this world we're writing.. Dark mages/Witches/Wizards.. keep to their own... and The light side does as well. Meaning Soul Masters are just kind of stuck in the middle of it all and neutral to it
So, for Nava and Clever to actually want to co-exsist is sort of unheard of since their magic isn't meant to really do that to begin with.
And I just made drama about the magic users! But i don't care!
Neo: I'd imagine mages are cliquey XD They seem like the type to stick with their own... Darkmages are probably assholes, priests are snobby, and elementals are hippies XDD
Me: That certainly seems right to me XD so yeah... for Clever and Nava to break all that code would make ithings a little hard for them in terms of other mages that are a little higher up the chain/been there longer.
Neo: XD they would certaily get a lot of grief...
other mages would be telling them not to be together.. D: its home all over again
Me: And not because of the incest x: but because it doesn't make any sense for light and dark to be together
Neo: so.. then that said... I wonder if they choose which alignment or if it chooses them x8
Me: Ohhh... I actually like the thought of it choosing them. At least as far as mages go. Maybe it's based on their personality. For example.. Nava is more kind hearted than Clever. But, that's only because Clever is a little tougher and quick to be protective. Thus, light and dark
Neo: o: makes sense. The magic chooses their path based on them
D: at least the boys were happy for their first job... no clasification yet
Me: Nuu x: just learning the basics
Neo: ... I have no idea what they'd have in their hair... XD
Me: Some kind of decoritive clip thing I would imagine XD
Neo: hmmmm maybe somethign with the X and +
o: in second job they could have the x and + on their um... head jewlery... and or their necklaces...
Me: I think it would be nice if they had it on both :3 mainly because since it would be a pretty small symbol it wouldn't look so bad to show it on each... *loves the head jewelry* X3
Neo: oh man that 2nd job outfit... XDD is the gayest thing ever... open shirt, bar shoulders.. that shall.. and a dress.... Boys wont be able to keep their hands off each other ...
Me: So much touching XD
Neo: XDD aww man... and its little things like 'hmm, I wonder if they would refer to each other as their husband' or.. 'do they eat dinner together? Does mireru eat? do they take turns cooking?' or 'Does Seliph still fight? does Mireru fight with him? DO THEY PQ? Do they have the pet of each other?' or 'Is xmas their favourite holiday? aww I wonder what kind of gifts they'd give to each other'
XD and then I just forget questions adn think about them being cuddly...
Me: Eeee! X3 I think they do still fight and I think they would train together. Just to keep their abilities up. Seliph probably likes showing off his magic to Mireru at times. Especially since his two elements can sometimes make snow if he tries.
And I think they do like to refer to one another as their husband because I think they're proud of the fact they're married. It makes them happy so they like to introduce one another as such :3
Neo: XDD..
Mireru: *holds out ferret* : DDD THIS IS MY HUSBAND ♥
Seliph: :3 kyu!
XDD... aww... then I wonder if they have cute nicknames for each other... because trying to pronounce Mireru is like trying to fit your entire fist in your mouth
Me: Awwww! omg.. that's so adorable X3
They likely do X3 I wouldn't doubt it
Neo: aw man... D8... I wonder if they ever have fights..
Me: Every couple has fights, so probably x: but they don't really seem like the kind of couple to hold a grudge for very long. Too much in love.
Neo: x: I could see Mireru being jealous when Seliph is off with others at times. x:< Thats HIS ferret, not theirs.
Or possibly being jealous when Seliph goes to places he can't really go to.. like tap.
Can't think of any reasons for Seliph to get upset... XD he just seems so.. laid back and happy
Me: Yeah... he doesn't seem like the angry type to me either XD
Neo: XDD Mireru is a little more... cold and grumpy
only thing i can think that would upset Seliph is if.. Mireru wanted to be alone... or wanted to go do something alone.. x8
o: I wonder what made them fall for one another
Me: Well, I'm sure that after the whole thing with the bear and Mireru taking care of Seliph.. Mireru wouldn't really kick him out.. not even when they found out what/who the other really was.... perhaps Seliph would want to repay Mireru for taking care of him and helping him by helping him in return someway. Which leads to a friendship and so on o:
Neo: XD oh man... call me a cheese ball... but I keep thinking love at first sight...
Me: Cheese ball XDDD
Neo: XD ahh can't help it. I've never written anything like that. I don't think...
Me: I don't remember us ever writing love at first sight stuff o:
Neo: altho I'm sure Mireru would definitely find Seliph different from all those loud Tricksters that run around screaming GALDER PLZ BUY MA STUFF GIVE ME GALDER TRADE ME GIVE ME FREE STUFF HI LOL
Me: XDDD that's for sure. Someone calm and quiet. It would be a nice change of pace
Me: Well, it's kind of short in game.. so it makes sense to kind of give them shorter looking hair in the comic... it's like as they went from 1st to 3rd job their hair grew shorter and shorter XD cause even in 2nd it doesn't look as long as it used to while in that ponytail
Neo: XD well in the comic, the boys have really short hair
Me: Yeah, I was looking at it yesterday... I like their short hair in the comic... maybe being all powerful makes them want short hair XD <3
Neo: XDD mebe? I was just wondering about their previous jobs if it was as different. Since we'll be going into their past afterrr... they knock cheeky out XD
Me: Could be O: would be nice since their 1st job hairstyles aren't really all that interesting XD and that's where we'll be going from
Neo: XD its just long in first form
Me: Exactly.. like you said o: try to make it look a little different for them so they'll stand out from any other dragon that walks by
Neo: o: not entirely sure what'd they have
Me: Me either right off the bat o: but it's something to think about
Neo: o: something gay no doubt
Me: I keep thinking something in the hair... but since they have to wear hats and such then I'm not sure they could do that XD and Nava would likely only be the one wearing something in his hair
Neo: XD ONLY Nava?
Me: He's the really gay one XD that's why
Neo: XDD apparently he became the really gay one
Me: You call him the really gay one all the time XD
Neo: XD because he sparkles
Me: He's supposed to XD
But, they could both wear something in their hair then o:
Neo: o: sure, why not. I don't know what their opinions are about looking alike. Some twins like it, and some twins hate it. XD These two.. I think they like it.
Me: They like it a lot XD aside from the hair thing... I don't think they mind standing out there
Neo: well, in the comic they're black and white XD I figuuuure that has to do with their alignment. Which might have happened with their light and dark pact.
Me: Ohhh o: makes sense then... I also have to wonder if they were ever given hints as to if they would become powerful beings. Like.. during their 2nd and 3rd job changes. Sort of like... words of wisdom that other mages never were given. Perhaps there were things that Louie saw, or even the Jesters for that matter, that they didn't see in other mages
Neo: XD The dark jester's name is Janus.... I remember because... its Janus...
Its possible. Hell, I could see those boys going through a lot... not just because of the incest factor, but they're on polar opposites of alighment.
Me: Janus XDDD
Which is a tricky thing... good is usually suppose to fight the bad. Not really be one with it. It's likely that in this world we're writing.. Dark mages/Witches/Wizards.. keep to their own... and The light side does as well. Meaning Soul Masters are just kind of stuck in the middle of it all and neutral to it
So, for Nava and Clever to actually want to co-exsist is sort of unheard of since their magic isn't meant to really do that to begin with.
And I just made drama about the magic users! But i don't care!
Neo: I'd imagine mages are cliquey XD They seem like the type to stick with their own... Darkmages are probably assholes, priests are snobby, and elementals are hippies XDD
Me: That certainly seems right to me XD so yeah... for Clever and Nava to break all that code would make ithings a little hard for them in terms of other mages that are a little higher up the chain/been there longer.
Neo: XD they would certaily get a lot of grief...
other mages would be telling them not to be together.. D: its home all over again
Me: And not because of the incest x: but because it doesn't make any sense for light and dark to be together
Neo: so.. then that said... I wonder if they choose which alignment or if it chooses them x8
Me: Ohhh... I actually like the thought of it choosing them. At least as far as mages go. Maybe it's based on their personality. For example.. Nava is more kind hearted than Clever. But, that's only because Clever is a little tougher and quick to be protective. Thus, light and dark
Neo: o: makes sense. The magic chooses their path based on them
D: at least the boys were happy for their first job... no clasification yet
Me: Nuu x: just learning the basics
Neo: ... I have no idea what they'd have in their hair... XD
Me: Some kind of decoritive clip thing I would imagine XD
Neo: hmmmm maybe somethign with the X and +
o: in second job they could have the x and + on their um... head jewlery... and or their necklaces...
Me: I think it would be nice if they had it on both :3 mainly because since it would be a pretty small symbol it wouldn't look so bad to show it on each... *loves the head jewelry* X3
Neo: oh man that 2nd job outfit... XDD is the gayest thing ever... open shirt, bar shoulders.. that shall.. and a dress.... Boys wont be able to keep their hands off each other ...
Me: So much touching XD
Neo: XDD aww man... and its little things like 'hmm, I wonder if they would refer to each other as their husband' or.. 'do they eat dinner together? Does mireru eat? do they take turns cooking?' or 'Does Seliph still fight? does Mireru fight with him? DO THEY PQ? Do they have the pet of each other?' or 'Is xmas their favourite holiday? aww I wonder what kind of gifts they'd give to each other'
XD and then I just forget questions adn think about them being cuddly...
Me: Eeee! X3 I think they do still fight and I think they would train together. Just to keep their abilities up. Seliph probably likes showing off his magic to Mireru at times. Especially since his two elements can sometimes make snow if he tries.
And I think they do like to refer to one another as their husband because I think they're proud of the fact they're married. It makes them happy so they like to introduce one another as such :3
Neo: XDD..
Mireru: *holds out ferret* : DDD THIS IS MY HUSBAND ♥
Seliph: :3 kyu!
XDD... aww... then I wonder if they have cute nicknames for each other... because trying to pronounce Mireru is like trying to fit your entire fist in your mouth
Me: Awwww! omg.. that's so adorable X3
They likely do X3 I wouldn't doubt it
Neo: aw man... D8... I wonder if they ever have fights..
Me: Every couple has fights, so probably x: but they don't really seem like the kind of couple to hold a grudge for very long. Too much in love.
Neo: x: I could see Mireru being jealous when Seliph is off with others at times. x:< Thats HIS ferret, not theirs.
Or possibly being jealous when Seliph goes to places he can't really go to.. like tap.
Can't think of any reasons for Seliph to get upset... XD he just seems so.. laid back and happy
Me: Yeah... he doesn't seem like the angry type to me either XD
Neo: XDD Mireru is a little more... cold and grumpy
only thing i can think that would upset Seliph is if.. Mireru wanted to be alone... or wanted to go do something alone.. x8
o: I wonder what made them fall for one another
Me: Well, I'm sure that after the whole thing with the bear and Mireru taking care of Seliph.. Mireru wouldn't really kick him out.. not even when they found out what/who the other really was.... perhaps Seliph would want to repay Mireru for taking care of him and helping him by helping him in return someway. Which leads to a friendship and so on o:
Neo: XD oh man... call me a cheese ball... but I keep thinking love at first sight...
Me: Cheese ball XDDD
Neo: XD ahh can't help it. I've never written anything like that. I don't think...
Me: I don't remember us ever writing love at first sight stuff o:
Neo: altho I'm sure Mireru would definitely find Seliph different from all those loud Tricksters that run around screaming GALDER PLZ BUY MA STUFF GIVE ME GALDER TRADE ME GIVE ME FREE STUFF HI LOL
Me: XDDD that's for sure. Someone calm and quiet. It would be a nice change of pace
Another down
Just finished writing Chp 2's script. It's a long one this time, but also pretty good with a flashback included.
Part of chp 3 is already outlined. I just have to wait for Neo to get the rest of what she wants me to script written down and then I can start on that.
Part of chp 3 is already outlined. I just have to wait for Neo to get the rest of what she wants me to script written down and then I can start on that.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Brainstorming - Part Four *Spoilers* In which my blog screws up
Neo: Man xD im already excited about the idea of sidestories.
Me: I like it XD I think Nyxx/Noxx and Mireru/Seliph's will both be pretty fun to do XD
Neo: : D hell yes! We could even do the dragons too
OMG i know when too. When they KO cheeky and theyre being all sentimental. It could be right after that : D a peek into their past.
Me: You mean when Clever KO's Cheeky XD
Neo: XDD... Clever cant help being a bastard. O:< bitch was gunna hurt nava
Anyway xD its a good time for it. Or mebe a flash back... Depends how long we want it.
Me: To them as youn'ins... I like their second job outfits more, though XD they're gayer
Neo: XD i gotta agree there... Idk how diff their design will be in comic.
Me: I don't mind keeping them the way they are o: just try and incor-porate something that shows light and dark since we do get the pacts at 2nd job
Neo: Altho them as newbs just coming to caballa could be sweet and tragic o:
Me: To prove themselves and be together x:
Neo: X: exactly. Zomg just got an idea for nyxx and noxx c:< in their back story.
Me: Uwwww! Sort of like.. their spirits are just that damn coruppted/evil o:
Neo: Yesyesyes. Tragic souls that kinda went FUCK YA'LL and fucked up the entire town C8 i love it
Me: YES! X3 Me too... I like that we're throwing tradgedy into the story along the lines of death/murder type stuff. It makes it very interesting and doesn't just place the genre soely on one thing
Neo: Blogs are amazing c8 hmm should we write the side stories the same way? I would love yer ideas too. What ive heard so far i have dug
Me: You mean how we're writing the comic? I believe so o: that way it sort of meshes well with it. Besides, giving these side stories their own art and comics could be really good. It means they get more than just a few appearences in <3. People can see the really big events that transpired to get them to that one point in the bigger strip o:
Neo: XD i think its amazing and im excited to do it.
Me: We just have to at least finish up Ch. 2... I haven't been writing cause I've been going out + feeling like crap these past couple of days... though I think I did write yesterday.. I can't even remember @.@
But, hopefully all of that will pass son o: either way... once we head towards the dragons and get all that cleared up in the comic we can do their side part
But, hopefully all of that will pass son o: either way... once we head towards the dragons and get all that cleared up in the comic we can do their side part
Neo: Dont think you did yesturday. XD aw man... The fight thru the tower is gunna be an interesting write... Havent had much time to think on it.
Me: The first little bit will be easy with just SFX and quick cut throughs of them beating on stuff o: it's the higher floors where more serious powers and stuff are seen from Cheeky and Bun
Neo: Do you know off hand how many floors there are? O:
Me: There's 11 o:
*blinks* Chaos Tower is going from Blooming Cora... Chaos Spire is from Southeast forest o.o
Well... she can always go to Cora... you have to talk to Gio there to get into the Tower o:
Neo: XD thatll be interesting... Stella did flip the gio card. Cheeky will be weirded out.
Me: The spire has a hairbringer too by the way o: only lv 70, though
It's probably best she just goes to Cora o:
Neo: XD itll still weird her out to talk to gio. Gio will prolly act suspicious... Given what cheeky did at the concert.
Me: Yeah XD he won't appreciate her using sixth sense on his star
Neo: ... That hes controlling XD he'll prolly warn her too. Shows his connection to things
Me: True... which might make Cheeky a bit suspisious of him o:
Neo: Hmm is it too much to warn her not to go poking around? O:
Me: Possibly... usually that's not very subtle. That's just begging for someone to actually do just that which kind of ruins any chanc other characters might have to show up if she keeps her attention on Gio after that. So, I would suggest he doesn't say such a thing. he's smarter than that I would assume. he might just keep an eye on her. Which is why Pochi and Pachi probably suddenly teleport her to Nyxx and Noxx o:
Neo: Ahhh yes c: true. Voice of reason thy name is kitteh
Still should incriminate him a little tho xD oh man..gotta make up a reason for cheeky to go to snow...
Me: Well, we still have LOADS to script/draw before then. I think we have plenty of time Especially if we plan to do side stories in between o:
Neo: I know xD i just like keeping an open mind for future things. That and i wanna draw the adorable married couple cx
O: this is true... I just remembered marriage exists in trickster.. XDD but not for the fags
Me: Yeah x8< stupid Trickster
... but Mireru is a spirit... he can say fuck the rules o:
Neo: XD this is our comic we can fucking do wutever we want. Thats gotta be something, marrying a spirit of an area.
Me: Pretty much XD like I said before... it's likely an important event, especially for that whole area. They likely see Seriph as someone important too after the two are married o:
Neo: Im sure miireru gives him some kind of important job c:
Me: Possibly... maybe something to do with animals since he's likely so in tuned with them o: like if there's ever any problems with them around the area. Because even though that is Mireru's place.. I'm sure there are some things that even he has difficulty with... example being how some of the wild life are kind of evil.. like the bears and raindeer
Neo: XD weee
first idea:
Seliph is just another trickster right? So he'd be in snow fighting yes? Well he goes up against a polar bear. And because the polar bear is a bit too much for him he POOFS into a ferret to run off. Polar bear thinks MMMM LUNCH. OMNOMNOMMAUL. And along comes Mireru to the rescue. Cuz.. OW. XD He fends off the bear. Saves a ferret. Takes care of the poor ferret. Mireru thinks Seliph is just another animal, and Seliph thinks Mireru is just another trickster XD and lo the shock and surprise in the end for both.
Me: Awww.. that's perfect actually. Goes along with my original idea and actually adds something with Mireru's spiritness too :3
Neo: : D hey we work well together, babe. /o/ WE ARE JUST EPIC LIKE THAT.
um.. Caballa island is a lie, yes? One big program. There for Snow Hill is a program. THERE FOR MIRERU IS A PROGRAM. D: If Caballa goes... Snow Hill goes... and so does Seliph's Mireru
um.. Caballa island is a lie, yes? One big program. There for Snow Hill is a program. THERE FOR MIRERU IS A PROGRAM. D: If Caballa goes... Snow Hill goes... and so does Seliph's Mireru
Me: Ah, this is true... and Seliph has no idea at all about this... these two might be in the dark about that stuff x:
Neo: D: thats kinda tragic...
;______; thats jus so tragic... to have all those important loving memories... only to have time reset on one like it never happened...
Me: Well... it would be like any kind of computer I would imagine... like rebooting x: after restoring everything is kind of gone. So... the memories would be if Seliph managed to bring him back
Neo: well...hmmmmm ideas are forming here... lets say Gio's fucking with Caballa via Clone is fucking with the world... And Snow Hill is affected. Thus Mireru is affected... Lets say the snow starts melting. And in turn that imbalance makes Mireru sick and weak... ;.; Seriph would want help or something..
Me: Help to figure out what's wrong with his Mireru... maybe he's heard through the grapevine about Cheeky because of her contact through other NPCs/Tricksters
Brainstorming - Part Tres. *Spoilers*
Me: THey should go in the comic.... married y/y? >.>
XDD a stable couple would be nice
Me: Aww... Mireru is married to a ferret boy XD <3
Neo: XDD Mirereru is the spirit of Snow Hill.
Me: Yep XD I read that
Aww.. I can see Seliph transforming to cuddle up to Mireru's cheek while he sits on his shoulder.... and Mireru's fox getting jealous when he does that XDDD
Neo: XDD aww <3 thats cute. I could see Mireru's foxy chasing Seliph too. Or vice versa. A constant battle for Mireru's affections
Me: You should come up with one o: or I can give yo uthat fantasy name generator I found
Neo: hmmm XD I wish I knew what Mireru meant... But I could see the fox having a terribly cliche name..
Me: Like SNOW
Neo: Yuki XDD
XD so Seliph the ferret transforming boy married the spirit of snow hill
Me: It's awesome X3 and I could see it being a big type of event since, well, he's a spirit of Snow Hill
Neo: /o/ in that snow hill town I can't remember the name of
awww... XD its just so squishy I can't stop thinking about it
Me: I know! X3
Hmm... Mireru probably met Seliph accidently, thinking he was just some animal around the forest near Snow Hill... the path, you know? Then surprise he's an actual person. Possibly hurt or something in his animal form. Not much he could really do for himself at that time. And I could see Mireru being kind to animals given he has a fox. So, he wanted to help o:
Neo: /o/ especially the snowy animals. The ones in his area.
XDD so is there any probable reason Seriph turns into a ... mink.. XDDD he actually turns into a mink.. in his description it says.. BUT HE LOOKS LIKE A FERRET
Me: I thought minks were ferrets.. just another word. BUT OKAY
Maybe it's like any other Trickster... a power of his he was gifted. Stella has her eye/cards. There's the Tricksters that created pets in MS like Mercury and such. They have powers if yo uwatch their fighting actions.
Just a normal power possibly o: makes him unique
Neo: XDD so I guess Seriph's innate trickster ability is turning into a ferret
Me: Yeah, I would suppose so *went to get dinner started*
I KNOW X3 they'll make an adorable pair <3
Neo: .... XD I have nooo idea how we'd squeeze em in <3
Me: I have a good starting thought! :3
Say that Cheeky needs to go to Snow Hill? I assume that's where they will live since Mireru probably has to stay there for good... a sad thing D: but I can see Seliph leaving every now and then to bring him trinkets from outside Snow Hill... give him a taste of other places X3
Anyway! When Cheeky stumbles upon Mireru she sees him playing with his fox and a ferret. She tries to say hello and when he turns the ferret transforms into Seliph which pretty much nearly causes her to have a hear attack XD
Neo: I dunno if Mireru can't leave, but I would think he'd have to return back... XD hot places he probably doesn't fair well. Melty
Me: Well, I figure since he's a spirit he might be bound to Snow Hill... if anything he can't venture too far away o:
Neo: XD well he's battle orientated with a sword and powers. I assume he can leave and fight
Me: Ah, true o: but, yeah... somewhere like Tap would be bad for him D:
XDD a stable couple would be nice
Me: Aww... Mireru is married to a ferret boy XD <3
Neo: XDD Mirereru is the spirit of Snow Hill.
Me: Yep XD I read that
Aww.. I can see Seliph transforming to cuddle up to Mireru's cheek while he sits on his shoulder.... and Mireru's fox getting jealous when he does that XDDD
Neo: XDD aww <3 thats cute. I could see Mireru's foxy chasing Seliph too. Or vice versa. A constant battle for Mireru's affections
Me: You should come up with one o: or I can give yo uthat fantasy name generator I found
Neo: hmmm XD I wish I knew what Mireru meant... But I could see the fox having a terribly cliche name..
Me: Like SNOW
Neo: Yuki XDD
XD so Seliph the ferret transforming boy married the spirit of snow hill
Me: It's awesome X3 and I could see it being a big type of event since, well, he's a spirit of Snow Hill
Neo: /o/ in that snow hill town I can't remember the name of
awww... XD its just so squishy I can't stop thinking about it
Me: I know! X3
Hmm... Mireru probably met Seliph accidently, thinking he was just some animal around the forest near Snow Hill... the path, you know? Then surprise he's an actual person. Possibly hurt or something in his animal form. Not much he could really do for himself at that time. And I could see Mireru being kind to animals given he has a fox. So, he wanted to help o:
Neo: /o/ especially the snowy animals. The ones in his area.
XDD so is there any probable reason Seriph turns into a ... mink.. XDDD he actually turns into a mink.. in his description it says.. BUT HE LOOKS LIKE A FERRET
Me: I thought minks were ferrets.. just another word. BUT OKAY
Maybe it's like any other Trickster... a power of his he was gifted. Stella has her eye/cards. There's the Tricksters that created pets in MS like Mercury and such. They have powers if yo uwatch their fighting actions.
Just a normal power possibly o: makes him unique
Neo: XDD so I guess Seriph's innate trickster ability is turning into a ferret
Me: Yeah, I would suppose so *went to get dinner started*
I KNOW X3 they'll make an adorable pair <3
Neo: .... XD I have nooo idea how we'd squeeze em in <3
Me: I have a good starting thought! :3
Say that Cheeky needs to go to Snow Hill? I assume that's where they will live since Mireru probably has to stay there for good... a sad thing D: but I can see Seliph leaving every now and then to bring him trinkets from outside Snow Hill... give him a taste of other places X3
Anyway! When Cheeky stumbles upon Mireru she sees him playing with his fox and a ferret. She tries to say hello and when he turns the ferret transforms into Seliph which pretty much nearly causes her to have a hear attack XD
Neo: I dunno if Mireru can't leave, but I would think he'd have to return back... XD hot places he probably doesn't fair well. Melty
Me: Well, I figure since he's a spirit he might be bound to Snow Hill... if anything he can't venture too far away o:
Neo: XD well he's battle orientated with a sword and powers. I assume he can leave and fight
Me: Ah, true o: but, yeah... somewhere like Tap would be bad for him D:
Friday, May 20, 2011
Brainstorming - Part Duce? I can't spell.
Neo: so I'm wondering how we should go about the tower scene XD lots of floors.. lots of action
Me: Most of the floors are easy so it might be possible to just skip through them with a bunch of sound effects and short panels showing that they're whizzing past them at a quick pace XD it's when they get the the harder stuff that actual skills can be drawn out and such
Neo: sounds good to me. With captions saying what floors they're whizzing through o:
uuuummmmmm XD I think Eclipse is in the tower
she could give Cheeky and Bun some warning o: cryptic advice
Me: no one likes giving forward advice XD
Neo: XD its how you indirectly guide someone... giving straight forward answers means getting in trouble with whatever higher powers... assumeably. IT ISNT ALLOWED
XD the teleport girls wanted to get rid of Cheeky so they teleported her to them... TIME TO DIE
XD when this is spose to happen idk
Me: Well, like I said... I figured the Dragons were supposed to subtly.. in their cryptic way... tell Cheeky that the girls knew more than they let on about Giovanni and how Caballa is sort of run. Because they do take people places and know how things work o:
And the girls... being bound to the computer and Giovanni... likely won't have Cheeky prying. So, decide that she should be teleported to Nyxx and Noxx XD
Neo: XD kill her off. Such nice girls
Me: .... why do I imagine Nyxx and Noxx as some creepy children who murdered their parents? XD mainly because one has a chainsaw
Neo: XDD its possible... and me being me... I could see them being together
Me: I could too XDD easily.... idk.. I just see Cheeky being teleported inside this creepy run down house in Phantom that has dried blood on the walls. One that Nyxx and Noxx lived in when they were alive and even still haunt while are I assume dead....
Neo: I LOVE IT <3
XD could be creepy and hot
Me: Hell yeah XD insane murderous kids... that like incest and want to kill Cheeky. It will be fun to script
Neo: XD those siblings are pretty bat shit...
Me: Well, from what I can read of the small bit of bio they have. Nyxx will likely be more insane than Noxx. He's the calmer of the two. She seems like she'll be more manic. But, she DOES have a chansaw afterall
I'm sure the reason they got rid of their parents was so they could be with one another. They likely got caught and seperated. And with twins that's a big no no... They might have already been unstable to begin with which only made things worse o:
Neo: XD seems to be a common theme. Dragon boys came to caballa to be together
Neo: so I'm wondering how we should go about the tower scene XD lots of floors.. lots of action
Me: Most of the floors are easy so it might be possible to just skip through them with a bunch of sound effects and short panels showing that they're whizzing past them at a quick pace XD it's when they get the the harder stuff that actual skills can be drawn out and such
Neo: sounds good to me. With captions saying what floors they're whizzing through o:
uuuummmmmm XD I think Eclipse is in the tower
she could give Cheeky and Bun some warning o: cryptic advice
Me: no one likes giving forward advice XD
Neo: XD its how you indirectly guide someone... giving straight forward answers means getting in trouble with whatever higher powers... assumeably. IT ISNT ALLOWED
XD the teleport girls wanted to get rid of Cheeky so they teleported her to them... TIME TO DIE
XD when this is spose to happen idk
Me: Well, like I said... I figured the Dragons were supposed to subtly.. in their cryptic way... tell Cheeky that the girls knew more than they let on about Giovanni and how Caballa is sort of run. Because they do take people places and know how things work o:
And the girls... being bound to the computer and Giovanni... likely won't have Cheeky prying. So, decide that she should be teleported to Nyxx and Noxx XD
Neo: XD kill her off. Such nice girls
Me: .... why do I imagine Nyxx and Noxx as some creepy children who murdered their parents? XD mainly because one has a chainsaw
Neo: XDD its possible... and me being me... I could see them being together
Me: I could too XDD easily.... idk.. I just see Cheeky being teleported inside this creepy run down house in Phantom that has dried blood on the walls. One that Nyxx and Noxx lived in when they were alive and even still haunt while are I assume dead....
Neo: I LOVE IT <3
XD could be creepy and hot
Me: Hell yeah XD insane murderous kids... that like incest and want to kill Cheeky. It will be fun to script
Neo: XD those siblings are pretty bat shit...
Me: Well, from what I can read of the small bit of bio they have. Nyxx will likely be more insane than Noxx. He's the calmer of the two. She seems like she'll be more manic. But, she DOES have a chansaw afterall
I'm sure the reason they got rid of their parents was so they could be with one another. They likely got caught and seperated. And with twins that's a big no no... They might have already been unstable to begin with which only made things worse o:
Neo: XD seems to be a common theme. Dragon boys came to caballa to be together
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Brainstorming - Part Uno
It is suggested that you, as a reader of Less Than Three, maybe skip this part if you do not want spoilers. This is mainly for Neo and I to keep tabs on ideas and not lose track of them in the future.
V < Terrible arrow down
Me: Well, we already figured the dragons are just toying with Cheeky. They could easily get the Reqium stones themselves I believe is what they were after. Maybe we could change it to those Girl's Wish and Boy's dream that they drop?
Anyway... the dragons can't leave their tower since they are powerful and wise beings. So, they like to toy around and have fun sometimes. Cheeky is that person for now. Thus they are sending her on a pointless quest that doesn't mean much. Maybe instead of finding the twins right away she would find Joey first
Neo: well cheeky could stumble upon Joey... XD in his drag.. on the swing.
Me: That's what I mean, but mainly why I suggested before she finds the twins.. because I assume after she fights them she would want to get the hell out of there XD
Neo: hmm XD thing about that is the school is further in than the home area the requiems are at
Me: Well, that also depends on how she gets to normal Oops. Because the school is in the normal town while the gate is there before hand. If she has ports on her she can use a wing to get to normal Oops and yadda yadda
just a suggestion o:
Neo: o: ah this is true
could start the scene in oops wharf o: could be very pretty
Me: Yeah, it's a nice little town o:
V < Terrible arrow down
Me: Well, we already figured the dragons are just toying with Cheeky. They could easily get the Reqium stones themselves I believe is what they were after. Maybe we could change it to those Girl's Wish and Boy's dream that they drop?
Anyway... the dragons can't leave their tower since they are powerful and wise beings. So, they like to toy around and have fun sometimes. Cheeky is that person for now. Thus they are sending her on a pointless quest that doesn't mean much. Maybe instead of finding the twins right away she would find Joey first
Neo: well cheeky could stumble upon Joey... XD in his drag.. on the swing.
Me: That's what I mean, but mainly why I suggested before she finds the twins.. because I assume after she fights them she would want to get the hell out of there XD
Neo: hmm XD thing about that is the school is further in than the home area the requiems are at
Me: Well, that also depends on how she gets to normal Oops. Because the school is in the normal town while the gate is there before hand. If she has ports on her she can use a wing to get to normal Oops and yadda yadda
just a suggestion o:
Neo: o: ah this is true
could start the scene in oops wharf o: could be very pretty
Me: Yeah, it's a nice little town o:
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
For soon to be future reference
MD - 14DP-18
The Twins
And Quiem.
These are the twins that will show up at a later time in the comic. They actually play a signifigant role in Cheeky's journey after a certain chapter coming up.
And Quiem.
These are the twins that will show up at a later time in the comic. They actually play a signifigant role in Cheeky's journey after a certain chapter coming up.
First obligatory post.
This is mainly supposed to be where I keep track of all the ideas that get passed back and forth between Neo and myself. Her and I tend to sometimes forget what happens in brainstorming sessions and when we come back to a story months down the road the awesome idea we had is pretty much gone.
So, I'll store everything here from now on. Try to avoid spoilers for those that watch and just use a lot of bullet points. I'll also be posting <3 comic stuffs and maybe some of my own little drabbles if I get the muse to do so.
So, I'll store everything here from now on. Try to avoid spoilers for those that watch and just use a lot of bullet points. I'll also be posting <3 comic stuffs and maybe some of my own little drabbles if I get the muse to do so.
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